The Highest Price
Why would a guy throw himself on a grenade knowing he would die?
Greater love hath no man than this
That he would lay down his life for his friends
For Love…Dedication...Duty...Honor...Country...
In a rice patty, a desert plain, a city street
Khe Sanh
Beat the drum slowly to echo the final fleeting beat of a heart
So noble, so pure
To endure the pain of death for friends
In battle warriors win honor, respect, and the title hero
They display valor above and beyond the call of duty
Most of them, posthumously
After they paid the highest price
The Highest Price
Heroes get awards:
Congressional Medals of Honor
Distinguished Service Crosses
Silver Stars
Bronze Stars
Purple Hearts
We put their names on walls for all to see
For all to grieve the loss of valiant souls
Then, they are laid in graves
Their secrets, sins, and fleshly desires
Their lust and passions, failings and flaws
All washed away the moment they died a heroic death
Purified by sacrifice
To die like that
A glorious way to erase the stain of human frailty
To be hailed a hero for all eternity
Unstained by controversy
Because everyone loves a hero
Especially a dead one
The highest price?
Some heroes survive…
Outliving their glory, becoming has-beens
Shadows of their own brilliance
Burnt into the sidewalks of pedestrian life
Where their legacies are trampled upon
Maybe they should have retired in their primes
Maybe they should have faded away
So they could stay immortal to their admirers
These heroes…
They don’t know why they survived
They envy the ones who died
And, if you ask them, they’ll tell you
Why a guy would throw himself on a grenade knowing he would die
The Highest Price
To reach the pinnacle of admiration
Only to topple because people can’t bear to see
The humanity embodied in a hero who survived